Wednesday, December 31

Cityworks Utilized to Track and Manage Utilities and Code Enforcement

I wanted to include this news of Coon Rapids using Cityworks for Code Enforcement, since it's the direction we're heading to close a gap between our Quality of Life (Public Works), Utilities and Law Enforcement. This is especially important while we're facing a crisis in foreclosures.

Sandy, UT — Azteca Systems, Inc., the leading provider of GIS-centric management solutions, announced today the City of Coon Rapids, Minnesota, has demonstrated substantial benefits utilizing Cityworks software in various departments throughout the organization. Most recently, the Code Enforcement Department deployed Cityworks to track foreclosures and vacant properties.

Prior to Coon Rapids’ Cityworks implementation, all maintenance paperwork was done by hand. After extensive research, the City selected Cityworks, valuing its compatibility with GIS. Cityworks was initially implemented in the Sanitary Sewer Department and then in Water, Streets, Stormwater, and Forestry. The City experienced substantial results entering historical information and tracking customer service requests, work orders, resource scheduling, and rotation plans. In the spring of 2008, the City expanded the use of Cityworks to include the Code Enforcement division. The City is now able to easily share information regarding water shut-offs to vacant homes due in the community. Code Enforcement is able to more easily identify properties where excessive use charges apply by using Cityworks instead of looking at a paper file.

With easy search and reporting, management is able to understand an array of information with the click of the mouse. The Public Works department receives a monthly report showing open service requests and/or work orders with the number of days each has been open. Vacant homes are monitored on a weekly basis to ensure any new vacant properties are inspected.
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